The second day of Eco Week began with an assembly for phases 2 and 3 in the big hall. Kate from EcoACTIVE had an enthralled and well informed audience as she talked through the issues of litter, recycling and energy.
One terrible fact: it was pointed out that plastic bags look very much like jellyfish in the ocean so turtles try to eat them which makes them very sick and can kill them 😢 Another fact: as landfill sites rot they release methane gas into the air 💨
In Year 2 they met some worms and woodlice and learnt how composting benefits their diet and creates habitats. They also made seed balls with clay and wildflower seeds to do some guerilla gardening on the heath or in their back gardens.
One terrible fact: it was pointed out that plastic bags look very much like jellyfish in the ocean so turtles try to eat them which makes them very sick and can kill them 😢 Another fact: as landfill sites rot they release methane gas into the air 💨
In Year 2 they met some worms and woodlice and learnt how composting benefits their diet and creates habitats. They also made seed balls with clay and wildflower seeds to do some guerilla gardening on the heath or in their back gardens.
They also reused rubbish by turning litter into glitterbugs.
In Year 1 they redid the compost cycle using pictures and ordering. They planted wild seeds in paper pots that they had made made and made insect hotels out of magazine strips.
Year 5 also got involved with Tamsin leading a lesson about renewable energy sources. The children were making posters and powerpoint presentations to show what they had learned about the need for clean energy.
Looking forward to see what day 3 produces...