Day three saw EcoACTIVE do another workshop in Year 1. In 1CJ the children got the chance to learn about the compost cycle. They got to examine worms up close...
And make little insect hotels...
Here they are demonstrating the compost cycle:
Most commercial soaps contain a lot of man-made chemicals that are not great for the environment once the soapy water is washed away down our drains and back into the water system. So Y4 melted down natural glycerin, added a few drops of essential oils and natural fragrances like lavender before finishing with a touch of turmeric or paprika or beetroot for natural colour to make their hand made bars of soap. Once poured into moulds they needed to be left to set.
And make little insect hotels...
Here they are demonstrating the compost cycle:
Later on Year 3 had their EcoACTIVE sessions where they learnt bout the recycling process. They then created little 'how recycling works' boards and made their own recycled paper!
3C producing some great work
Making recycled paper is serious fun!
3T getting in on the action
Nice work Arthur!
Look at the concentration...
Meanwhile in Year 4 over the last two days there have been some sweet smells wafting out of the food tech room which has become the fragrance room for Gospel Oak's very first environmentally-friendly soap production.
Look how they turned out!
Also, the newly elected Eco-Committee/School Council led an assembly on the harm plastic is causing to our world. They started a very important campaign to make Gospel Oak free of single-use plastic bottles. Here’s what they want you to know:
Plastic is not biodegradable and lasts for hundreds of years. It often ends up in landfill or makes its way into our oceans. The harm this causes to our environment and wildlife is terrible. We want all water bottles to be reusable so we can start the process of becoming single-use plastic free! Please help us to make Gospel Oak a single-use plastic free school.
There is still so much more to come in the children's learning about how to protect and care for our planet