Due to several staff being taken ill EcoACTIVE were unable to run the planned workshops with 5E and Year 4 today. However, that didn't stop Eco Week from continuing across the school.
In Year 2 the classes got creative (with some help from Blaise) and made 'bee hotels'! They reused plastic bottles and newspaper before painting it in bright colours to attract the bees. They cut bamboo to fill the shell so that lone bees have somewhere to lay their eggs. Give bees a chance!!
In Year 2 the classes got creative (with some help from Blaise) and made 'bee hotels'! They reused plastic bottles and newspaper before painting it in bright colours to attract the bees. They cut bamboo to fill the shell so that lone bees have somewhere to lay their eggs. Give bees a chance!!
How are your hands Dawn?
Blaise to the rescue!
Meanwhile in Year 6 they were also creating! Half of the children were at school where they are entering a craft competition in which they are making examples of sealife out of reused plastic. The competition is highlighting the issue of plastic pollution in our seas and the damage it is wreaking to the wildlife.
One child was clearly engrossed by the task
The other half headed off to the Heath where they were taking part in an exciting conservation project with the Hampstead Heath education centre. They were making and then positioning some hedgehog houses. The number of hedgehogs has gone down dramatically recently. So the hope is these little homes will protect and nurture them and encourage breeding. Hopefully it will help the population to grow again.
Year 1 visited the local farm to have a demonstration of how to create compost and then how it is used.